Reiki Master Teacher, and practitioner, RM
Bio-Regional Herbalist
Angel Intuitive
Creator of artful things
My name is Isabel Santiso and I am the founder of Luminescence Apothecary. I am a holistic practitioner specialized in working with plants and various energy healing modalities. My intuitive journey began at the age of four when I had an accident that resulted in a near-death experience. Although the experience was traumatic and left me plagued by fear and anxiety for the better part of my life, I was also blessed to discover after the accident, that whenever my brother became ill, if I placed my hands on his head in a certain way, he would stop feeling sick. That was my first experience with Reiki energy healing and I remember how powerful it felt to be able to help someone in that loving way. In addition to Reiki, I also began to experience episodes of clairvoyance and claircognizance. My mother still tells me stories of our family attending friends’ parties and every time the adults became engaged in heated discussions, I would always walk into the room and blurt out certain statements that would silence the room and according to my mother, resolve the conflict. My mother, being a good catholic, would immediately pull me aside and angrily demand to know "Why did you say that?, Where did you hear that?”. I would always shrug my shoulders and tell my mother that I did not know why I made the statements. It definitely scared my mother and she would seriously reprimand me and tell me never to “talk like that” again. The truth is I remember walking up to everyone sitting around the table but I could never remember what I actually had stated. Clearly, I was channeling spirit.
For the last twenty-five years, I have worked full-time in the financing and Software IT world as a paralegal. Twelve years ago, I became reconnected to spirit, my intuition, the angels, and the plants, and I decided to formalize my herbal and spiritual training. It was during my very first Reiki level one class, that as I placed my hands on another student, the room became filled with angels that surrounded the massage table and started working with me to help provide Reiki therapy to the student. That was my first experience working directly with the angels and ever since that moment, I have worked with angels to enrich my holistic services. During the past ten years, I have received my Usui Shiki Ryoho Reiki Master Teacher Certification, Certified Angel Tarot Card Reader through Radleigh Valentine, Bio-Regional Herbalism Certification under the teaching of herbalist Linda Conroy, Herbal Alchemy training at the School of Evolutionary Herbalism under the teaching of herbalist Sajah Popham, coaching with angel intuitive Kyle Gray, and have completed over 300 hours of Aromatherapy training (NAHA and AIA approved - yes, I actually studied the biology and chemistry of over 150 plants and the essential oils and hydrosols they produce). I also completed Craniosacral Therapy level I and II training.
Four years ago I created a sacred healing space named the "Luminescence Apothecary" with a simple mission to Help Other People Evolve (HOPE) by facilitating their healing path to wellness through the use of whole plant herbal remedies and products, energy healing techniques, and intuitive coaching. As a holistic practitioner, my continuing education is ongoing and I am passionate about teaching others all the knowledge I have learned and acquired. Through my work, I have learned firsthand how debilitating stress, anxiety, and chronic disease states can be and how a lack of information, support, and connection can affect one's ability to heal and achieve long-term wellness. In addressing my client's needs, it is important for me to integrate all aspects of the individual - mind, body, and spirit, and to help provide clients and students with information and research so that they can be empowered to educate themselves and make informed decisions about their healing and wellness options. I look forward to working with you on your healing and learning journey!
With blessings and gratitude, Isabel